Chapter 166 - Dekan Is Forever At A Lower Level (Long Chapter)
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 166 - Dekan Is Forever At A Lower Level (Long Chapter)

Late at night, in the city.

The pale grey clouds were dense and heavy and the moonlight not particularly bright. Under the dim yellow lights, the streets looked desolate. A chilly wind blew, lifting the fallen leaves and swirling them on the ground. The doors of the shops along the street were tightly closed, occasionally creaking.

There was only one figure on the entire street. It was a woman wearing a slightly revealing dress, stumbling along as if drunk. She seemed unsure of the direction home, gradually staggering towards an alley.

However, high above, there was a figure faintly visible in the dim light, with a pair of crimson eyes particularly striking. It seemed to be staring at its prey.

Then, it moved with lightning speed, almost invisible to the naked eye. A disturbing scent gradually wafted in the air.

This vampire pounced on the woman from an angle completely out of her field of vision, not giving her a chance to react.

However, in that moment, a glint of clarity flashed in the woman's eyes as if she had sobered up. She swiftly maneuvered behind the vampire, and a dagger that appeared in her hand with unknown timing accurately pierced the vampire's back.

She did not hesitate to pull out the dagger. Blood sprayed on her, but she paid no attention. Instead, she grabbed the vampire by the neck and violently flipped it over.

Then, another dagger stabbed into its heart with precision.

Although the vampire suffered two consecutive fatal wounds, it showed no sign of weakening. The blood that flowed out seemed to have a life of its own, trying to return to its body to heal its injuries.

However, at the moment the vampire struggled, a man appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

In his hand were several spell cards. He quickly activated them, stunning the vampire before conjuring a halo to restrain it.

"Finally caught one," the man sighed with relief, looking at the immobilized vampire.

"With this, we'll be able to find that vampire noble," the woman said, pulling out her dagger and observing the vampire s

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Novel Notes

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.