Chapter 167 - Cornelia's Wisdom
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Countess Lysilina didn't hesitate for long. She turned and began to run like a frightened vulnerable girl. Although she knew that such a reaction was disgraceful for a noble vampire countess, if she didn't run now, her fate could very well end up like those two food sources she had caught earlier.

Setting aside the brute force girl who could create a sonic boom just by waving a book, the other two individuals in the room also made her feel extremely uneasy. The man with the green wealth mask exuded a strange sense of oppression. As for the man with the red mask, although Lysilina couldn't sense any aura of strength from him, she even felt that he was harmless, she knew that these kinds of people were often the most dangerous!

In her prime, she wouldn't have worried much about these three. But now, she was unsure and uneasy.

At the same time, Cornelia's figure rushed out of the door like a demon. Dekan and Mauleon quickly stepped out of the lord's bedroom door, but they simply stood there and watched as if it were a show, showing no intention of intervening.

Cornelia, chasing after Countess Lysilina, held the murder book in her hand with her determined gaze locked onto the countess's head. She wouldn't stop until she hit her.

With someone like this chasing after her, getting closer and closer, Countess Lysilina felt a sudden chill run down her spine. She absolutely did not want to be hit by that book!

Soon enough, she felt her servants arriving. "Stop her!!" Lysilina commanded.

Several shadows emerged from the stairs on the first floor of the mansion and quickly formed a protective barrier around Lysilina before rushing toward Cornelia. They were the vampire servants disguised as the mansion's servants.

Under Lysilina's command, they drew the weapons they carried - the men brandished long swords, while the women wielded a pair of daggers with blue-glowing blades, clearly coated with deadly poison.

Seeing the situation turning against her, Cornelia quickly turned to run back.

She had carefully counted; the

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.