Chapter 165 - Dekan Bids Farewell To The Town
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 165 - Dekan Bids Farewell To The Town

Dekan learned that Grand Priest Kevin was a tier 7 powerhouse. In order to defeat Grand Priest Kevin and lift the first seal of Marquess Roderick, the enemy must at least possess the strength of a vampire count.

However, the enemy did not continue slaughtering the townspeople for the blood ritual to release Marquess Roderick completely. The probable reason was that the vampire count, while defeating the Grand Priest, was pushed to the brink of death and couldn't even defend against the town’s knight's captain.

So now, hidden within the city, was most likely a vampire count in a very weakened state, gradually recovering his strength. Mission Objective 2 was actually a time-sensitive investigation and deduction task. Challengers needed to find the count before he recovered.

If the challengers could find this vampire count before a certain point in time, they would be at a significant advantage, easily defeating him. However, after a certain point in time, once the vampire count regained his strength, even if the challengers found him, it would be difficult to defeat him.

There was also the possibility of the vampire count raiding houses, leading to a chain reaction that would free Marquess Roderick, resulting in the failure of Mission Objective 3.

However, this unknown vampire count probably never dreamed -- the marquess was already dead.

Dekan couldn't help but look forward to seeing the expression on this vampire count's face when they learned of the marquess' death. He really wanted to savor their look of fear and despair.


A person shouldn't think like this.

It’s all master’s fault for corrupting him.

"Even I don't have such tastes. You should reflect on your own senses more," Dekan’s master seemed to hear Dekan's thoughts and spoke in his mind.

"You're a great demon, how can you be so innocent? You make me feel embarrassed," Dekan accused without any sense of danger.

"Innocent? Are you provoking me?"

"No no no, I misspoke. You're the most fierce, cruel, and violent ancient demon!"



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Novel Notes

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.