Chapter 164 - Mauleon Might As Well Be A Vampire Prince
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 164 - Mauleon Might As Well Be A Vampire Prince

This extremely terrifying sensation made the mayor tense all over, with chills occasionally running up his spine.

Even though the mayor, out of selfishness, didn't want the city or the Holy Ritual Church to send a large number of personnel to investigate, he had no choice but to as he had to prioritize saving his own life.

"No problem, but you need to commission Mr. Engineer to repair the bridge first. Otherwise, the reinforcements from the city won't be able to arrive smoothly," Dekan said with a serious expression. He appeared particularly professional.

"But what if the bridge gets destroyed again?" the mayor asked anxiously.

He was very worried that just after the bridge was repaired this time, it would break again should they blink an eye.

At this moment, Mauleon smiled and approached the mayor, handing him a document with a price list and saying:

"You can choose our warranty service. For an additional 300 holy coins on top of the basic bridge repair cost, we will guarantee that this bridge will be repaired whenever it breaks within a year."


The mayor thought for a moment.

This time, he could reluctantly take out another 500 holy coins from the town.

But if the bridge broke again in the future, even he wouldn't dare to take money like this again.

Ignoring whether the town's reserve could withstand it, if he were to repeatedly use the excuse of repairing the bridge to extract funds from the town, then when the provincial authorities checked the accounts at the end of the year and saw several large expenditures for "bridge repairs" in a row, it would be easy to suspect him of "abnormal extraction of public funds" and then launch an investigation.

This was something the mayor absolutely did not want to happen.

"Alright, let's add the warranty service," the mayor agreed with a pained expression on his face.

This time, he had to pay an extra 100 holy coins himself.

But as long as he could get through this smoothly, it was worth spending the money to avoid disaster.

Mauleon quickly produced

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Novel Notes

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.