Chapter 163 - Dekan Did Not Cheat
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[Marquess Roderick has died. Mission Objective 3 has been achieved in an unconventional manner.]

With the suicide of Marquess Roderick, the quest prompt in the Shadow World updated once again.

At this moment, the other challengers in the city were left bewildered by the new prompt.

Firstly, they had no idea who managed to skip past the locked Mission Objective 2 so quickly, unlocking Mission Objective 3 in an unknown manner.

Secondly, Mission Objective 3, being the ultimate task, was often the most challenging part of the entire Shadow World.

The mission had just been revealed, and in less than half a day, it had been achieved?!

And the most crucial point was that in this mission, they were supposed to be on the defensive, doing everything possible to prevent the revival of the vampire marquess.

Marquess Roderick was a formidable enemy that challengers could not defeat.

After all, in a tier 6 Shadow World, there were hardly any challengers who could contend with a tier 8 opponent, especially not an opponent as difficult to kill as a vampire marquess.

So how did Marquess Roderick just disappear?!

Did someone cheat?

Such a final boss couldn’t possibly just decide to commit suicide, right?

One could only suspect that something was wrong with this Shadow World...


At this moment, Dekan also regained control of his interrupted livestream.

Viewers saw the situation in the church and the new prompts from the Shadow World and burst into an uproar.

"The livestream came back but Marquess Roderick is gone?! How did this happen?!"

"What did Dekan do?!"

"That’s impossible! Marquess Roderick is unbeatable!"

Dekan seemed to realize the audience's confusion and patiently explained to the screen, "Marquess Roderick just committed suicide."


"You might as well say you scared him to death!"

Clearly, Dekan's explanation did not sit well with the audience.

Even though Dekan couldn't see the audience's reactions, he could probably guess at the doubts everyone had about him now.

So Dekan could only

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Novel Notes

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.