Book 01 Chapter 06.14 - Whale Song
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In a dimly lit room, Lucius sat with his legs crossed, a smile playing in his blue eyes.

Guards with rifles stood around him, their expressions stern.


The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man wearing a white shirt, black vest, and black trousers walked in, and his sharp eyes fixed on Lucius.

"Lucius Phillips." Sir Derek Larson growled.

"Long time no see, old friend." Lucius said with a polite smile, "Still tormenting our narwhal friend, are you?"

"You blew up my gate. Is that how you treat an old friend?" Derek said in a low voice.

"You know, as you get older, you tend to act out." Lucius replied, a slightly bashful smile on his face.

Sir Derek Larson stared at Lucius like a stone statue. After a moment of thought, he finally uttered: "You need to compensate me for the damage to the gate and the lost work time. Unlike you, every minute of my time is valuable."

"I refuse." Lucius said cheerfully.

"You refuse?" Derek's eyes took on an indescribable shade, "Do you mean to say you want..."

"You to call the police? I have no objections. Let them come." Lucius spread his arms, a cheerful expression on his face.

Pleased to see Sir Derek Larson's face darken, he carried on: "Let me guess, if the police were to come and find out about the illegal practices taking place in your factory, you'll have a hard time wrapping things up, right?"

"You underestimate my influence..." Derek's tone grew sharp.

"Trust me, I don't underestimated a thing." Lucius shook his head ruefully, "If the Northern District Police Station fairly enforced the law, you would have been thrown into prison a long time ago. I understand, mate, money can buy anything."

"What you fear are Bell Protectors, especially since your master, Prince Austin, is being investigated. You've probably received a warning from him, so you won't dare to make a peep."

Lucius's words made Sir Derek Larson's face darken further. He glared at Lucius, his voice hoarse, "You have no proof. That is slander."

"Oh, old friend." Lucius leaned back in his

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