Book 01 Chapter 06.13 - Whale Song
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When the carriage landed, Xing Mo opened the door, opened her umbrella, and stepped onto the wet cobblestone road.

The Docklands in the pouring rain felt like a steam oven, with rain battering the streets, raising thin mist that mixed with the steam drifting from the factories, creating a scent somewhere between vapor and charcoal.

Xing Mo instinctively covered her nose, while Lucius opened his umbrella, an unfazed expression on his face.

In the middle of the torrential rain, Lucius shouted half-jokingly: "In this downpour, Sir Derek Larson shouldn't turn us away, right?"

Xing Mo looked up at the factory before them: gray stone bricks interwove with slightly rusty pipes, resembling diseased lungs.

From time to time, an animal cry would come from within the factory, accompanied by a flash of lightning in the sky.

"Is that a narwhal cry?" Xing Mo frowned.

"It seems our animal friend isn't feeling well." Lucius adjusted his hat with a hand, "Let's go."

When they walked up to the factory's iron gate, Lucius approached the guard booth and tapped the glass: "Mister, we are friends of Sir Derek Larson, here to visit. Would you mind notifying him?"

The elderly guard glanced at Lucius and waved him away.

Upon seeing this, Lucius gave Xing Mo a helpless smile: "It seems the good Sir doesn't wish to see us."

Then, he took a couple of steps back, drew his wand, and swiftly brandished it in the gate's direction—


Golden starlight burst out and shattered the iron gate into pieces in an instant, sending black bars flying in different directions.

The elderly guard in the booth was startled, then grabbed a rifle from the booth and stormed out, cursing at Lucius: "This is Sir Derek Larson’s private property! You're trespassing!"

"Ha-ha, apologies. A true gentleman needs morning exercise. Although, mine may be a bit rough." Lucius raised his hands, a conciliatory smile on his face.

A dozen-plus guards—some holding rifles, others holding the leashes of vicious dogs— emerged from the factory's main entrance, crosse

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