Book 01 Chapter 06.12 - Whale Song
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After leaving the great library, Xing Mo went to Lucius' office in the South Tower alone, on the pretext of submitting homework.

"Please come in."

After receiving the instructor's response, Xing Mo pushed open the door and entered the office.

A quaint aroma of incense wafted through, accompanied by the crackling sound of the fireplace, making Xing Mo feel relaxed.

Lucius was sitting behind a desk, a weary expression on his face, his lake-blue eyes looking somewhat hollow.

On the desk in front of him, candlesticks formed a rudimentary magic formation, with a flowerpot containing a withered tree branch in the center.

Xing Mo sensed lingering spirituality in the air.

She sat down across from the instructor and looked at the withered tree branch: "Still no progress?"

The instructor smiled and shook his head, then placed his wand on the desk: "I'm further away from success than we are from the Goddess."

Ever since Lucius learned about Aurora's assessment of life from Xing Mo, his experiments had become less frequent.

"With only life, without soul, besides a twisted existence, what else could be born?" These were Aurora's words.

Seeing the instructor's tired appearance, Xing Mo suddenly felt a pang of sadness.

After all, even the least bright mind in the academy could see why the instructor wanted to study the string of life—

—it was because of Miriam.

"Actually, I have fantasied before, about the possibility of Miriam coming back to life." Lucius spoke abruptly. Xing Mo looked up, noticing the weariness in his lake-blue eyes churning like the tide.

The middle-aged man glanced at the string magic formation on the desk, then at the withered tree branch, and sighed: "Merlin also saw through my thoughts. He knew the direction of my research would never just stop at studying plants. Eventually, it would be about humans, living, breathing humans."

"But he still approved it. Even though the string of life has always been off-limits, he went against the tide and approved my research."

"He knows that an old dog

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