Book 01 Chapter 06.11 - Whale Song
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Xing Mo quickly scanned her surroundings and, after confirming that there was no one else around, let out a long sigh of relief.

She almost forgot, but Aurora's authority included dreams. From the very beginning, it was all a dream.

This way Aurora was able to fully understand Aimer's abilities and gauge her level of threat in one go. From now on, she could handle her without effort.

Why does this feel so familiar... Xing Mo experienced a discomfort in her stomach.

At this moment, Aimer also awoke from her slumber. She promptly realized what had happened and tried to struggle, but the vines had her tightly bound to the seat.

The vines gagged her mouth, preventing her from uttering a single word.

Seeing her making a sorry sight, Aurora covered her mouth and giggled: "How fascinating. And here I was wondering why there wasn't a single decent Nature Spirit in Nevirabeta Magic Academy."

"Turns out a Nature Spirit was hiding in the library."

So Ms. Aimer is a spirit born from the library... no wonder it is said she read countless books. She is a consciousness born from the books.

As Xing Mo was thinking to herself, Aurora extended her hand, bringing her fingers together: "Alright then, I'm going to ask you some questions now~"

At the same time, Aurora took Xing Mo's hand, and the consciousness of the Tree of Life awakened.

Before Aimer could understand what was happening, the vines binding her suddenly tightened, and a powerful attractive force broke out—

"Mmmph!" Aimer's eyes rolled back, her body trembling. She felt the knowledge in her mind being extracted and channeled to Aurora through the vines.

Ah... it's the first time I'm seeing someone else undergo this torment... Xing Mo smiled bitterly and closed her eyes.

Then, the darkness in her vision was torn apart by green light, revealing a series of scenes.

Bishop Freyr Sunlight walked into the great library, an uneasy expression on his face.

He sat down opposite Aimer and muttered in a hoarse voice: "I need the book True Vision."

Aimer looked up, he

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