Book 01 Chapter 05.13 - Gold
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Looking at the names on the list, Xing Mo broke out in a cold sweat from her back.

From Bishop Freyr to her instructor, Lucius, everyone on the list was prey to be hunted down by Steam Man.

Did he want to kill all the senior figures of the Citadel? What was he trying to pull...

"I have to tell Instructor that Steam Man is after him as soon as possible."

Xing Mo stuffed the list into her pocket and went to leave the basement.

Just then, a shout came from the basement's door: "Ladies! Hands in the air! Drop your wand!"

Xing Mo looked toward the source of the shout and saw several policemen in trench coats rush in, pointing black revolvers at her and Aurora.

The person at the very front was a female officer. The moment their eyes met, Xing Mo recognized her—

—Laura Williams, the Northern District Police Station's chief.

It was the woman who reprimanded Senior Alice in the newspaper.

She probably came to the Southern District to investigate a case related to Steam Man

But that didn't matter now. What mattered was that... Xing Mo was caught in the basement with a heretical string magic formation.

Xing Mo promptly dropped her wand and raised her hands. Aurora did the same.

"Chief, don't shoot, we are not criminals." Xing Mo said loudly.

"Cut the crap. If you are not criminals, then why are you here?" Chief Laura approached Xing Mo.

Xing Mo's mind was revolving rapidly. She glanced at Aurora beside her and found that the little girl had a smile on her face.

Don't panic... think of a solution! If they are killed here, it will attract the attention of the Citadel's senior figures!

Calm down... calm down... if I want to prove that I am on the same side as the police, I just need to provide evidence.

Xing Mo took a deep breath, and a thought came to her mind: "We are detectives… no, actually, we are amateur detectives, here to explore."

Laura stopped nervously in front of Xing Mo and creased her eyebrows: "Explore? Little girl, do you think I'm a fool? How could mere amateurs be faster than the police?"


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