Book 01 Chapter 03.02 - Good Sunny Days
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 03.02 - Good Sunny Days

As the flames coalesced, the barkeep lowered his head and showed a smile: "Four string magic, Dagger of Truth, impressive."

Alice ignored the barkeep. She grabbed the dagger made of fire and stabbed with it into the empty space beside her, tearing open a hole in the darkness.

At the same time, Alice's eyes turned molten gold, and she gazed at the torn open hole, which seemed to swirl with blurs, with her golden eyes.

As if she had seen something, Alice swiftly turned her head, and her gaze locked on a yellow robed customer in a corner of the bar: "Vivian, it's that guy!"

Her words had just fallen, when a blue bolt of lightning slammed into her chest—


Blazing lines of light blocked the bolt of lightning. Alice felt a tingling sensation and froze in place.

Almost at the same time, the yellow robed customer rushed out of the door.

Vivian was not in a hurry. She snatched the beer from the barkeep's hand, crushed the bottles' mouth with her bare hand, and took a whiff of the beer.

"The beer is watered down?" Vivian tilted her head.

"If you pay a high price, you'll naturally get good beer." The barkeep smiled.

Vivian shot him a glance, then swung the bottles.

The beer splashed out and ignited with blue flames in midair, forming the shape of an arch.

Vivian stepped into the flames, crossed the void, and in an instant arrived at the alley's entrance, blocking in front of the yellow robed customer.

She lifted her ice blue eyes, which burned with raging frostfire and looked as deep as blue moons in the night sky, and said. "You know Steam Man, don't you?" Vivian said flatly, "If you speak now, you'll get to stay in the dungeons a few days less."

The yellow robbed man was stupefied. The girl in front of him had a delicate figure, and was dressed in an academy uniform. She looked extremely frail. However, the blue flames burning in her eyes surged like raging waves, as if they could devour him alive at any moment.

The lower face of the yellow robbed man, which wasn't covered by the hood, twitched violentl

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