Book 01 Chapter 03.01 - Good Sunny Days
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 03.01 - Good Sunny Days

On Tuesday, Xing Mo slept in.

After being drained last night, she was really exhausted... to the point that her mind went blank.

When Xing Mo woke up, she found a pair of large blood-red eyes staring at her.

She stirred awake and found Aurora lying on top of her.


"Ah—" Xing Mo almost jumped up from fright, "Don't... don't scare me like that!"

"Really... how could I scare you... I'm so cute..." Aurora innocently touched her lips with a finger and tilted her head.

She was wearing the academy uniform, the soft fabric emitting residual light after being exposed to sunlight.

Xing Mo—messy hair, slight drool at the corner of the mouth—stared blankly for a moment before asking: "Did you go out?"

"I spent the whole morning strolling outside, mainly in the Northern District, looking around."

Aurora assumed an innocent expression. For some reason, this made Xing Mo feel uneasy: "You didn't do anything wrong, did you? When you were outside..."

"Of course not. I just went to get some things." Aurora placed her hands on her hips, feeling proud of herself.

Get some... well... I can't say that... Xing Mo had a belly full of complaints.

"Oh, by the way, I also bought a few novels... is that what they're called? In any case, it's books with stories." Aurora's desire to share was quite strong, "The stories written within them are incredible, such as two girls falling in love, with one pushing the other down and then... cough... you Citadel folk are so open-minded."

"A novel is a fabrication, not a factual account..." Xing Mo was dumbfounded, "That said, what kind of novels are you reading? What's with the scary plot?"

"How is it scary... it's quite fascinating..."

Aurora had an innocent look on her face. She took out a novel from who knows where and showed it to Xing Mo.

Xing Mo took a look at the book. The cover read "Ocean of Flowers in Full Bloom."

Xing Mo heard of this book before. It depicted the love story between a café owner and a maid, and its sales in the Citadel were pretty good.

After all, the

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