Book 01 Chapter 02.05 - Little Trick
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 02.05 - Little Trick

Upon hearing the Holy Nun's words, Xing Mo was taken aback for a moment, then understood the veiled meaning behind them.

In other words, I'm lacking in education! Without sufficient education, the church won't accept me!

Xing Mo sighed in her heart. But luckily Lilis helped her get out of the predicament she put herself in, so she didn't need to say anything anymore.

Meanwhile, Aurora finally stood up, wiped her face with her hands, and murmured softly: "Goddess, please watch over me and make the journey ahead smooth."

Her voice even contained a sobbing tone. If Xing Mo hadn't known her true colors, she would have believed that the lass to be a helpless thing that confided in the Goddess after being broken by life.

The little lass had the chops to become a performer...

Xing Mo glanced at the Starsea Spring and immediately sensed an aura similar to that of her brand.

The sacred artifact had been tainted by Aurora. Henceforth, prayers to it will be directed to Aurora, not Saint Auroth.

Xing Mo breathed a sigh of relief, then bowed to the Holy Nun, saying: "I understand what you mean, Holy Sister. I will start with the smallest good deeds. I will engrave your teaching in my heart."

"This is not my teaching. I'm just the Goddess's messenger." Lilis smiled.

With that, the Holy Nun faced the towering dome and clasped her hands together.

Sacred light fell on her beautiful eyelashes, and crystalline specks of light glimmered.

Her posture was dignified and devout, as if she were the most faithful servant of God.

However... she didn't even realize that the God she was praying to changed to Aurora. At this moment, her piety seemed a bit funny. How would she feel were she to learn the truth?

Xing Mo looked at the Holy Nun and then at Aurora, who was trembling by the spring, and couldn't help but sigh at the irony of fate.

At this moment, Aurora turned around, her wet face exuding determination, a shade of pitifulness hidden in her eyes.

The Holy Nun lowered her head, saw Aurora's appearance, and quickly stepped

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