Book 01 Chapter 02.06 - Little Trick
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 02.06 - Little Trick

Long white hair and blood-red eyes.

For a moment, Xing Mo overlapped the image of the girl in front of her with Aurora's. She even subconsciously thought that it was Aurora.

But she quickly rejected this thought. Unlike Aurora, the girl in front of her had no specks of starlight flowing in her eyes, and the aura she emitted was elegant and dignified, completely different from Aurora's mixture of holiness and wickedness.

She was dressed in a simple white blouse and black skirt, her long white hair adorned with a white flower. She looked like a noblewoman from the White Tower District.

Did I behave suspiciously just now? Even if that were the case, no one should be able to notice anything amiss...

Xing Mo had a self-reflection while clearing her throat: "I'm not in any trouble, Miss. Thank you for your concern."

The white-haired girl stared calmly at Xing Mo for a while, then nodded: "I have a café in the Northern District. If you want to get something off your chest, you can come talk to me."

After speaking, she flicked her wrist, and a black card appeared between her fingers.

That scared me... so it was just a café promotion... is there a café with a consolation theme? That's rather novel.

Xing Mo hesitated for a moment, then accepted the card from the girl.

She lowered her head and looked at the card, on which a line of address was written in gilded text: Northern District, Flame Street 69, Ocean of Flowers.

The café is called "Ocean of Flowers?" It has a romantic ring to it.

Speaking of which, why would a girl dressed like a noblewoman from the White Tower District come to the Northern District and open a café?

"Thank you, I'll visit it when I have time." Xing Mo raised her head. "How do I address you?"

Her words choked in her mouth, because when she lifted her head, the girl sitting next to her was already gone.

Xing Mo didn't even notice her leave.

"Doesn't seem to be a simple character..." Xing Mo muttered to herself. After careful consideration, she still placed the gilded card in her pocket.

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