Chapter 265.2: Despicable Maid and the Cold and Arrogant Goddess (2)
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 265.2: Despicable Maid and the Cold and Arrogant Goddess (2)

Prosperity merely seized the initiative and occupied the position beside Rayne first.

At that thought, the killing intent in Cowper's heart intensified.

In reality, the impact of Rayne's blood on Cowper was even stronger than Rayne had expected.

The blood of Goddess Justice flowing in Rayne's body was actually rather pure.

That was a benefit secretly given to Rayne by Goddess Justice.

It was to pave the way for Rayne to be promoted directly to the Army Commander so that he could become the most doted on and unique chosen under her lead.

The high purity divine blood of Order, the even purer blood of Justice and the bewitching dragon eyes... All of those enslaved Cowper's mind.

Once Cowper thought about anything that involved Rayne, her rationality would collapse easily.

Her previous arrogance towards Rayne and despicable malice towards this mortal prince had already dissipated with his cold order to make her kneel.

Now, Cowper only wanted to give up everything and obey the temptation of his blood and the slavery awakened in her body to become Prince Rayne's dog…

However, even that humble request could not be fulfilled because of the existence of another person.

How could she have expected that?

To think that as a goddess, Prosperity was willing to stoop even lower than Cowper and even be a simp!

Of course, Cowper did not know that as an artificial goddess, it was Prosperity's instinct to serve her master. Only by serving and pleasing humans could her intelligent program convey positive feedback to her that satisfied her.

Cowper regarded Rayne as prey and was forced to submit.

However, from the moment Prosperity awakened her sense of self, she was filled with love and obedience towards Rayne.

On the other side, Prosperity saw the killing intent in Cowper's eyes and the increasingly active spiritual factors in her body…

Prosperity could tell that Cowper's hostility towards her had already accumulated to an extremely dangerous level.

This was the normal behavior of an addiction victim.

She was mentally unstable.

How un

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Novel Notes

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Also, I wrote a brief review detailing what you can expect from this novel as well as answer some of the comments I've seen you guys made such as chapter length. Do check it out if you're interested!

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)