Chapter 36.3
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Snow-Kissed Rose (GL) Chapter 36.3

Rewinding time slightly, Huai Xu lay down on the bed at the same time as Song Yingshi disappeared into the bathroom, forcing herself to fall asleep quickly.

Back in school, Huai Xu had to work part-time to cover living expenses, leaving her with little time to sleep. In turn, this forced her to develop the ability to fall asleep quickly. Now, she could fall sound asleep in minutes so long as she emptied her mind of thoughts. She could also wake up refreshed and ready for the next day after only a few hours of quality sleep.

This time was no exception. The moment Huai Xu stopped thinking about Song Yingshi and ignored the sound from the bathroom, she fell asleep in no time. The only difference was that instead of waking up before dawn this time, she hoped to sleep soundly until sunrise.

Unfortunately, things didn't go Huai Xu's way.

Amidst her sleep, Huai Xu started hearing a rustling sound. This sound seemed to be transmitted directly into her mind, and she couldn't ignore it, even in her drowsy state.

As Huai Xu's mind gradually regained awareness, she remembered Song Yingshi's request to share a bed with her. Hence, she quickly connected the dots and realized Song Yingshi was the cause of the noise coming from behind her.

At this realization, Huai Xu suddenly had the urge to turn around and look at Song Yingshi.

Even without looking, Huai Xu could tell Song Yingshi was probably fast asleep. After all, Song Yingshi had always had a good sleep quality; never once had she woken up in the middle of the night.

Most likely, the noise Song Yingshi was making was a result of her turning or snuggling against her pillow in her sleep.

Hence, even if Huai Xu stole a quick glance, Song Yingshi would be none the wiser.

When Huai Xu reached this conclusion, her seemingly simple yet sentimental desire grew exponentially. However, just as she was giving in to her urges, she suddenly stopped.

…I shouldn't, Huai Xu dissuaded herself as she stared into the darkness. Just pretend she doesn't exist. The night will pass in no time, and

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Novel Notes

Other novels I translate on Hosted Novel:
Miss Cousin is Always Busy (MCAB)(Yuri/GL, Quick Transmigration)
Give Me Another Smile (GMAS)(Yuri/GL, Reincarnation)