Chapter 35.2
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Snow-Kissed Rose (GL) Chapter 35.2

Song Yingshi's thoughts drifted to the distant past.

It was when her first drama, a small web drama that never made it to the big networks, was about to air. She had played a guest role, appearing only three times as a decorative character.

Song Yingshi's first appearance in the drama was in episode four. When the episode's teaser aired, she waited eagerly, worrying if she might have made a mistake during filming. She also couldn't help but hope for some positive feedback.

Little did she know that most of her scenes would be edited out, leaving the audience only a fleeting view of her back.

She was only 16 years old that year.

She felt as if the world's weight had fallen onto her shoulders at the time, heavy and oppressive.

Looking back now, Song Yingshi could only regard her past self as young and naive, a stark contrast from who she was now. As a result, her former state of mind had become increasingly unattainable, and she regarded her memories of the past as precious and extravagant.

Song Yingshi withdrew from her memories and sighed ruefully.

"What's wrong?" Shi Zhi asked.

"I want to be nervous with them, but I just can't," Song Yingshi said sincerely. After all, she didn't care much about these things anymore. Additionally, with her accumulated experience, she knew how she performed in front of the camera, so she found it difficult to feel anxious.

Shi Zhi fell silent, taken aback by Song Yingshi's thoughts.

At this time, Wan Jiao ran over and asked, "Director Shi, please organize some activities for us. Everyone is just sitting around doing nothing."

How can there be nothing to do in the White Tower? Are the practice rooms there for decoration? Shi Zhi thought. However, just as she was about to criticize Wan Jiao, she remembered that tonight was a special night. Hence, she softly said, "Activities, huh… Then, everyone who tried to smuggle a phone just now, write me a 1,000-word reflection. If others want to join in, they can do so as well. How about it?"

Song Yingshi: ?

Wan Jiao gasped. Then, she turned arou

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Novel Notes

Other novels I translate on Hosted Novel:
Miss Cousin is Always Busy (MCAB)(Yuri/GL, Quick Transmigration)
Give Me Another Smile (GMAS)(Yuri/GL, Reincarnation)