Chapter 1000 - Divine Set Experts
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"Empyreal Wraith?" Aqua Rose couldn't help but stare at the demonic elven man at Seven Melody's exclamation. "Is he that Empyreal Wraith?"

Empyreal Wraith, the expert most feared by the various powers out of Demon's Gate's Nine Great Experts. He was known for his many acts of carnage.

As the only "red" apex power in the human race's Greater God's Domain, Demon's Gate had no lack of members who frequently committed mass murder. However, even among these players, Empyreal Wraith was a unique existence. This was because on top of killing his prey, Empyreal Wraith would also devour their souls. He would even devour the souls of hundreds of players daily, behaving no differently from a Mutant.

It was also because of Empyreal Wraith's habit of devouring player souls that the various apex powers eventually got fed up with his antics and decided to hunt him in full force. In the end, however, the various apex powers not only failed in their endeavor but also suffered significant losses. As the various apex powers didn't wish to worsen their losses, they ultimately chose to let him be.

Nowadays, wherever Empyreal Wraith went would quickly become a hell for players. Apart from the members of apex powers and Demon's Gate, nobody was safe from him. In recent years, however, his existence had gradually faded from the public's sight. According to rumors, he was busy exploring the Void Sea's ancient ruins in search of a way to go beyond Tier 6.

Regardless, it didn't bode well for the players present for Empyreal Wraith to show up here.

"You don't have to be too concerned with Empyreal Wraith," Forlorn Chime said, her complexion looking much better after drinking a Regeneration Potion. Then, she glanced at Empyreal Wraith and continued quietly, "Many powers have come to raid the Undying Mother this time, some of which are apex and royal powers. Even Empyreal Wraith wouldn't dare to mess around and ruin the plans of all those apex and royal powers."

"That's great. I nearly had a panic attack," Seven Melody said, patting her chest a

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