Chapter 990 - Sundered Sky
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"Guild Leader Black Flame?" South Lake's words stunned Apocalypse. "Great Commander, are you sure you're not mistaken?"

The current situation in the Flame Dragon God's Nest was completely different from when Zero Wing was still partnered with the various pseudo-apex powers.

The Primordial Dragon Sanctuary's pseudo-apex powers had initially been willing to partner with Zero Wing only out of respect for and fear of Dragon's Crown, a suspected hidden apex power. Otherwise, even if Zero Wing had redeemed the Access Key, the various pseudo-apex powers would have tried various means to occupy the secret land.

Now that the Nebula Consortium had conveyed its intention to persecute Zero Wing to the various pseudo-apex powers, it no longer mattered whether an apex power backed Zero Wing. The various pseudo-apex powers no longer had to concede to Zero Wing. This was also why they dared to have designs on the Flame God Set.

If Shi Feng dared to redeem the Flame God Set, the various powers would not treat him as courteously as before.

"Have a look yourself," South Lake said, pointing at a cloaked figure in the middle of the treasury plaza.

When Apocalypse looked at the cloaked figure South Lake indicated, he instantly recognized the other party as Shi Feng. After all, Shi Feng hadn't bothered to hide his appearance. Anybody who had met him before would recognize him.

"Is he crazy?" Apocalypse was stunned.

Apocalypse did not doubt that Shi Feng had the Undying Souls to redeem the Flame God Set. After all, Shi Feng had already shown himself capable of obtaining many Undying Souls within a short period when he previously redeemed the Access Key and Empress's Scales. Hence, Apocalypse didn't find his having collected enough Undying Souls to redeem the Flame God Set strange.

What Apocalypse hadn't anticipated was for Shi Feng to boldly come and redeem the Flame God Set by himself.

The treasury plaza wasn't particularly large. Not to mention, there were only several hundred players in the plaza right now. With just a glance, anyone c

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