Chapter 976 - Evil Sky City's Treasury
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 976 - Evil Sky City's Treasury

"I've heard it already," Verdant Rainbow responded absentmindedly as she carefully studied a 12-page document for fear of missing any information.

"Guild Leader Black Flame sure knows how to surprise people," Frey sighed as she took a seat in the tent. "An Epic Siege Weapon! I can't believe he has been hiding such a thing! Only royal powers have been seen owning such a caliber of Siege Weapon thus far. How did he even get his hands on one?

"Regardless, Evil Nature is definitely writhing after the fall of Evil Sky City. It might even be regretting persecuting Zero Wing in the first place. It's also going to suffer once the Void Beast Tide occurs."

Frey had watched Shi Feng and Zero Wing grow from basically nothing.

Initially, Zero Wing was only a small Guild from an Elementary God's Domain. However, once the Guild expanded its development into the Eternal Realm, it quickly established itself in the Crystal City of Secrets. Later, it established itself in the World Ark and enabled the Red Dragon Nation, a pseudo-apex power, to make significant profits. Now, it had demolished Evil Nature's headquarters in the Eternal Realm, a feat the Red Dragon Nation dared not even consider attempting.

Shi Feng and Zero Wing's growth happened so rapidly that it was simply astounding.

Is this why he was confident of eliminating Evil Nature from the Eternal Realm? Verdant Rainbow took a deep breath to soothe her thumping heart. After she finished the document, she felt both excited and relieved.

The Guild's core executives had been highly critical of her latest assistance to Shi Feng. This was because this assistance came at a massive cost. However, after learning of Shi Feng's accomplishments, she felt her sacrifices were not in vain.

According to the Seven Luminaries Alliance's latest intelligence report, the Siege Weapon Zero Wing used against Evil Sky City was extraordinary. It was superior to the average Epic Siege Weapon.

The Seven Luminaries Alliance was a transcendental existence, even among the human race's apex powers. When

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