Chapter 954 - Twelve Seats
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"Guild Leader Black Flame, your requirement is too high," Verdant Rainbow said, smiling wryly. "Many Level 235-plus experts might have entered the Eternal Realm because of Everlasting City's competition, but Fragmented Divine Artifacts aren't cabbages. Many of the Greater God's Domain's fifth-floor experts have only one or two Fragmented Divine Artifacts, while some unluckier ones have none. Even with the Seven Luminaries Alliance's robust foundations, we can, at most, fully equip about 700 players with Fragmented Divine Artifacts."

"Only 700?" Shi Feng fell silent after hearing this.

Fragmented Divine Artifacts were indeed extremely rare in the Greater God's Domain. Many ordinary and upper-ranking hegemonic powers only had a few pieces, and some might not even have any. This was why Level 220-plus Taboo Epic and Taboo Fragmented Legendary Equipment was considered mainstream in the Greater God's Domain.

However, as pseudo-apex and apex powers had monopolized Taboo Dungeons and Taboo Secret Lands for many years, they should have no trouble fully equipping many experts with Fragmented Divine Artifacts.

With the Seven Luminaries Alliance being a transcendental existence even among apex powers, Shi Feng thought the Alliance would have no trouble fully equipping a thousand experts with Fragmented Divine Artifacts in the current Eternal Realm. Not to mention, the Alliance must have transferred some of its arsenal to secure its position in Everlasting City's competition. However, to his disappointment, the Alliance only had enough Fragmented Divine Artifacts to fully equip about 700 players in the Eternal Realm. This was nowhere near enough players to capture the primordial civilization city.

If they couldn't capture the primordial civilization city, there was no way they could deal with Evil Nature.

"The Seven Luminaries Alliance might not have all the experts you need, but..." Verdant Rainbow trailed off. Then, as she looked at Shi Feng's pondering expression, she continued, "I know a group of Level 230-plus experts who

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