Chapter 6: Taboo
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 6: Taboo

After inspecting the body, the three exited the toilet. No one felt good dealing with such a creepy corpse.

“The time of death is within the last three hours.” The muscular man glanced at the pocket watch and said confidently, “So, it was between 2 am and 5 am.”

“How can you tell?” The man glanced at the innocent girl who asked the question. He told them about the night watch shift and showed her the watch. It showed that seven hours had passed. The person on duty after the victim was Fatty. Fatty had to pee before he took his shift, and it was he who discovered the body when he went to use the toilet.

At that moment, Fatty crawled up shakily from the ground. He asked about the middle-aged man. The muscular man sighed, closed the toilet door and led everyone back to the fireplace.

As a newbie, Jiang Cheng had said basically nothing. He had been listening and analysing. It was mostly the woman with the mole and the muscular man who did all the talking. Through the conversation, Jiang Cheng gleaned that no one would die for no reason in this world. The victim must have triggered some kind of taboo, and this taboo would most likely be the key clue to solving the mission.

“What did he do that we didn’t?” The male worker curled up between Jiang Cheng and the innocent girl. He was clearly frightened. He didn’t want to die suddenly like the middle-aged man. The innocent girl frowned and said, “Could it be that he had used the first-floor toilet? Is that the hidden taboo of this mission?”

“That can’t be.” Fatty squatted there, hugged his knees and whispered, “I used that toilet too, when we were searching the house yesterday.”

Jiang Cheng looked at Fatty and said, “Then you better be careful. Your neck might be thick, but someone can still snap it with enough force.” Fatty almost cried. The muscular man was not satisfied with Jiang Cheng’s attitude, but he only shook his head. They had all used the first-floor toilet, so it made no sense that the middle-aged man was the only one who died.

“Maybe it’s not our turn y

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