Chapter 7: Draw
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 7: Draw

Jiang Cheng had been on the second floor yesterday. It was, indeed, as the girl said. The separation of the boy's and girl's bedrooms was easy to tell. One was decorated with various plushes. The other had the wall covered with posters of various military weapons. There was even a military magazine on the table. The owner was a military fan.

Then, the other two groups turned their attention to Jiang Cheng and the innocent girl.

“This family didn’t have a peaceful family life. We found many broken plates and glasses in the rubbish cans. Some of them have blood on them.” Jiang Cheng said.

The girl added, “There are scratches on the wooden stair railings. We suspect they are left behind by nail scratches.” This was a very important clue. They came to the stairs. With the girl pointing it out, they did discover the traces. The muscular man touched it, and his expression shifted, “Yes. These are scratch marks.”

A family of four, an unhappy family, broken plates, scratch marks and a tied-up girl…

No matter how they parsed it, this looked like a family tragedy. A tormented girl once lived here.

“Then, what should we do next?” The male government worker grumbled, “Save that poor girl?”

“No matter what happened here in the past, it is already in the past, and the change can’t be changed.” The woman with the mole said, “What we should do is find the truth and complete the mission.”

“But haven’t we found the truth?”

The muscular man shouted angrily, “Are you dumb? How was the girl tortured? Who was her tormentor? Is the girl still alive? How can we end the mission without knowing these basic details?” After being yelled at by the muscular man, the male worker shivered and stopped talking.

The innocent girl looked at the male worker with pity. He was too weak and dumb. It was hard for him to survive on the mission. Even though he had survived once, the next time…


Everyone turned to the source of the sound. Fatty held his stomach embarrassedly, “Erm…”

“Forget it. We’ve searched the entire first floor. We sh

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