Chapter 58: Mockery
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 58: Mockery

Hearing that, Jiang Cheng’s expression became unnatural. His eyes wandered about as if he wanted to hide something.


“Hao Shuai,” Zhen Jianren scoffed, “Everyone is waiting for you!”

“Did you not go because you were scared?” Zhou Taifu stared at Jiang Cheng. The way the latter acted confirmed his thoughts. His voice rose to a sharp pitch, “You promised us!”

Xu Wen spoke up. She stared at Jiang Cheng and said slowly, “Both of our teams have completed our tasks. Mr Hao, you should abide by…”

Jiang Cheng finally stopped hesitating. He gritted his teeth. “I am always a man of my word. I naturally will not shy away from the promise I’ve given you, but…” He titled his head at Zhen Jianren, his eyes glowing with sympathy. He sighed before pulling his gaze back and slowly shaking his head. Then, the rims of his eyes reddened.

Everyone was so confused. The most confused was Zhen Jianren. After all, he was the last person Jiang Cheng looked at. He was suddenly reminded of the bad feeling he felt earlier. Was it about this?

“Why did you look at me and sigh?” Zhen Jianren started to feel uneasy.
Fatty came over. He patted Jiang Cheng’s shoulder to console him. Then, he looked at Zhen Jianren helplessly.

“Brother Guardian Angel,” Fatty said with pain, “Originally, we didn’t mean to tell you, but since you’ve asked, we won’t hide it from you. You…” Fatty bit his lips, “Should be prepared.”

Zhen Jianren’s anxiety was amplified. However, he maintained calmness on the surface. He had no idea what Fatty was talking about. He also didn’t trust Fatty and Jiang Cheng implicitly.

“What are you talking about?” Zhen Jianren frowned and warned sternly, “Just say it. Don’t play tricks.”

Just as Fatty was about to craft a story, a hand reached over to cover his mouth.

“Let me.” Jiang Cheng looked better, but his tone was still laced with pain. Zhang Yinyin looked at Jiang Cheng with amusement, as if she wanted to peel his face off.

“After we had breakfast, we went to the Prop Building. At the time, the gate was wide open, a

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