Chapter 54: Rainy Night
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 54: Rainy Night

“It was raining that night.” The woman said, “The rain was pouring. Although I had an umbrella, half my body was wet. When I put the umbrella away and rushed to Block C, I realised the door was locked by two thick iron chains.”

Zhou Taifu’s face dropped when he heard that. He turned to say something to Xu Wen, but the latter didn’t even acknowledge him.

“I was so nervous. I had just moved here and had no close friends. I was too embarrassed to ask the other teachers for a room to stay overnight. Just to try it out, I gave the door a push. Maybe the guard made a mistake and forgot to use the lock…”

At this point, the woman’s expression shifted.

Xu Wen stopped writing and looked at the woman expressionlessly. “It sounds like a mistake was made.”

The woman eventually nodded. “Yes. Both locks were open. It felt like someone had left them purposely as such. Back then, I was only thinking about grabbing the key. I didn’t think about anything else. I opened the door and ran to the office.”

“Where was your office?” Xu Wen raised her head.

“Third floor.” The woman added, “Room 304.”

Xu Wen jotted it down. This might be something important.

“The whole building was so quiet. All the classrooms were dark. Only the emergency lights were on. The corridors looked so creepy.”

Zhou Taifu was drawn into the story. When the woman reached these scary points, he became anxious.

“I had to use the flashlight on my phone. I ran to the third floor. I opened the office door, rushed in and locked it. I didn’t know why I did so. If I had to explain it, it must be intuition.”

Zhang Yinyin, who had been silent, suddenly spoke, “What did you find?”

“I… I don’t know.” The woman shook her head. “Even now, I have no explanation. It felt wrong. That sound… That sound…”

Xu Wen stopped writing. The way she looked at the woman finally changed.

“Sound?” Zhou Taifu curled up between Zhang Yinyin and Xu Wen. He asked weakly, “What… what sound?”

“Footsteps.” The woman turned to answer Zhou Taifu. “It was the sound of me running. Since it wa

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