Chapter 53: Night
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 53: Night

After leaving the hostel, Xu Wen’s group headed to the south side of the school campus. Zhang Yinyin stayed a safe distance behind. The place was rather desolate. They didn’t encounter anyone other than a few girls out on morning exercise. The girls skipped over Zhang Yinyin and Xu Wen as they stared at Zhou Taifu. The man couldn’t help but shiver.

“What… are they going to do?” Zhou Taifu only had a tank top, and his face was as white as paper. Thankfully, the girls only watched from a distance. They didn’t do anything out of line. Zhou Taifu swallowed silently. This world was too scary. If he were alone, he’d… He didn’t dare to think about it.

They paused at the end of the road. Before them was a volleyball court. The surrounding fences were rusted. There was no one at the court. Dust particles danced under the morning rays. A wet smell permeated the air. It was like it had rained the day before.

The court used old cement ground. There were faded white painted to mark the lines. Most of the net was gone. Only the bare rods remained. Next to the fences were seats. The plastic seats cracked from exposure to the elements. Clearly, this court had long been abandoned.

Zhou Taifu glanced at Xu Wen, who brought them there. His eyes glowed with confusion.

Zhang Yinyin looked like she was about to say something. However, her expression turned strange when she noticed that Xu Wen had turned into an alley. The alley was barely a road. It was a small path made from pebbles. It was wide enough for one person.

Soon, the trio lifted their heads, and a building identical to their hostel appeared before them. Zhou Taifu couldn’t help but swallow nervously.

Unlike their hostel, this place was not abandoned. Some of the windows were decorated with potted plants. Some had a clothesline. This place was occupied.

The interior of the place was similar to their hostel. Xu Wen easily found the room she wanted to find and knocked on the door. The echo was hollow. The old axle creaked. The young face that appeared behind the door

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