Chapter 38: Newbie
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 38: Newbie

On the western side of the school, there was a convenience store. The old glass door was left half open. The poster of a K-pop artist was pasted on it. The sequined suit of the idol looked outdated in today’s entertainment industry.

The man in the suit lit a match and turned away to light up his cigarette. Then, he waved his hand to extinguish the match. The man in the cap stood on the step below him. He munched on the dry bread as he held a bottle of water. Staring at the poster on the door, the suited man scoffed as he blew the ring of smoke on the poster, “Did we have such horrible taste back then?”

The man in the cap finished his bread and slurped the jam that lingered on his fingers. However, he didn’t turn to the other man or the poster. Instead, he stared at a group of young girls, not far away. He eyed them like a hungry wolf. They were dressed rather lightly. One of the taller girls had long hair and kept throwing glances back at him. She held a cigarette between her fingers. Even though she tried her best to act natural, the awkwardness in her eyes sold her out. She just recently joined this group of ‘bad girls’.

“If only this is not the dream realm,” The man in the cap licked his lips.

The suited man lowered his head, fixed the button on his sleeves and chuckled, “Don’t kid yourself. Do you dare to come to a place like this in real life? You can only hide in the sunless basement.” The suited man chided him. “Don’t forget. The police are still looking for you.”

The man’s words yanked the other man back. His smile disappeared. He wiped his left hand on his shirt and then tugged the rim of his cap down lower on his face. He stood in the shadows, only showing half of his chin.

“Don’t need to be so scared.” The suited man’s voice carried an alluring tone. As he fixed his clothes, a peek of the tattoo underneath his shirt showed through. “I’ll keep your secret.” He smiled, “You know what I want.”

“But neither of us knows who has it.” The man in the cap grumbled.

“Then, we’ll search the others one by on

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