Chapter 37: Same Side
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 37: Same Side

Fatty gave it a quick thought and knew Jiang Cheng was right. “Doctor, that might be the case, but none of us have seen the ghosts or know their habits. How can she tell she has been targeted?”

Jiang Cheng smiled, “Do you remember the two from Room 405?”

Fatty frowned, “The man in the suit and the man with the cap?”

“Yes.” Jiang Cheng nodded. “Why couldn’t they sleep well last night?”

“Wasn’t it your fault? You scratched the wall with a coin to scare them.” Then, Fatty paused. His pupils trembled like he realised something. “Doctor, do you mean someone purposely tricked her into believing that she had been targeted by ghosts? If she didn’t leave her room, she’d die?!”

Jiang Cheng nodded and added, “That’s not what I mean, but it is the most probable situation based on logical extension.”

“But…” Fatty lowered his head to think, “The woman didn’t look like someone who could be easily fooled. When you did the thing, we had just entered our rooms. However, when the woman ran out, it was in the middle of the night. The pressure they faced was completely different.”

“Sometimes, you don’t need to push too hard. You only need to plant the seed of suspicion and…” Jiang Cheng said slowly, “The victim would do the rest. That is the trap for clever people. This is especially true in the nightmare realm, where logic is useless. Any suspicion will be enlarged indefinitely. Caution is a good thing, but when it turns into paranoia, it’ll only harm you.”

Fatty took a long time to digest Jiang Cheng’s words. Fatty only sighed when most of the people in the canteen left, “Doctor, if, I say if, all the things you said were true, who was the one who exiled the woman to the corridor to be killed?”

Jiang Cheng didn’t expect Fatty to use the term exile, but he felt that it was very fitting.

“What do you think?”

“In terms of location, the girl in the pyjama, who shared the victim’s room, was the most suspicious. However, you also saw how inexperienced she was.” Fatty continued, “Then, it will either be the two from Room 405 or t

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