Chapter 36: Second Puberty
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 36: Second Puberty

The canteen was an individual two-story building. It was rather large but located in a secluded spot of the school. It was next to a small forest near the west field of the school. Near it were a few old buildings that looked like old housing.

Jiang Cheng thought the ground floor was the student canteen, and the first floor was the cafeteria for the school employees. However, he entered and realised the first floor was split into east and west spaces by giant screens.

The east side was larger. Young kids moved around with trays. It looked like the student canteen. The west side was smaller and had fewer people milling about. This was probably the staff canteen.

It was breakfast time, and people walked about. Young and fresh faces captivated Fatty’s attention.

“Doctor.” Fatty took a deep breath and said with a flushed face. “It feels nice to be young. I feel like a student here again.”

Jiang Cheng chided, “I knew you were a Peeping Tom. I bet you were looking at girls when you were young too.” Fatty thought about it and wanted to say something back. However, he had nothing to say, so he shut up.

Jiang Cheng led Fatty to walk around the student canteen before they crossed the screen to the employee canteen. To Fatty’s surprise, none of their mission mates was there.

“Doctor,” Fatty was confused, “Don’t they need to eat? They haven’t eaten since yesterday.”

Jiang Cheng answered, “We passed by a convenience store when the lady led us to the hostel yesterday. They probably went there to buy some prepackaged food. Compared to this place, the store will be quieter and thus poses a lower risk.” Fatty reacted after a few minutes. He grumbled that the others were too cunning. They pushed them to this place because it was the riskier location.

Jiang Cheng seemed to have found a satisfactory spot. He sat down, and Fatty huffed and plopped down opposite him.

“Two points.” Jiang Cheng raised two fingers and wagged them. “First, I was not led here by them. I won’t share the information I find with them unconditionally.

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