Chapter 186: Escape
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 186: Escape

Fatty suddenly reacted and raised his head. He hesitated, “Could… they have heard something?”

Based on the golden-haired man and the others’ reaction, they had heard something that instilled them with great fear.

“You mean, you can hear sounds that normal people can’t hear by being inside this room?” The climber woman asked.

At that moment, everyone held their breath. It was as if once they kept quiet, they could really hear something. Outside the window, the city floating on the sea was still covered in lights. Occasionally, a spot of light moved through it. It should be someone with a torch. A layer of light mist surrounded the city. Among the waves, the city appeared very mysterious.

A few seconds later, Jiang Cheng and the young master narrowed their eyes. They really heard something! It was a weak but rapid breathing sound. It came from inside the room. In other words, there was someone else other than them inside the room!

The two quickly triangulated the source of the breathing. It was from the basket that previously held the bundle of wood. The young master approached it with the torch raised while Jiang Cheng held the extinguished torch as a club.

This was where the experience of the veteran travellers was shown. No one panicked and assumed their roles quickly. Jiang Cheng, the young master and Fatty surrounded the basket. The Loli girl, the climber woman and the tall man guarded the only exit.

The young master reached out his hand and pulled off the lid from the basket. They were greeted by a twisted face.

“It’s you!” Fatty gasped.

The aged woman was curled up inside the basket. Her face was green and twisted from fear. Her two hands covered her mouth. Her eyes were bulging. When he saw the woman, Fatty was instantly reminded of Xie Yu from the first mission. What scared the woman so?

Plus this basket… Fatty studied it for some time. He didn’t think it could fit an adult. How did the aged woman get into it? There were many who shared Fatty’s thoughts. In their hurry, they forgot to check the cap

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