Chapter 187: Poor Thing
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 187: Poor Thing

Seeing how confused Fatty was, Jiang Cheng explained, “Whale songs are also called whale words. They are the sounds whales make to communicate with each other. Due to the low frequency, it’s hard for normal people to hear them.”

Fatty looked at the tall man with curiosity. The man stayed close to the Loli girl obediently. His personality was a great contrast to his appearance. After realising many people were looking at him, he lowered his head nervously. The Loli girl rubbed his hand to console him. Considering the man’s mysterious actions, the young master seemed to realise something.

“Is he… your family?” The young master asked.

The Loli girl ruffled the tall man’s hair and looked at him with great gentleness. “He’s my little brother.” The Loli girl pointed at her head. “We are twins, but… My brother is special. He relies on me a lot.”

Fatty finally understood the reason behind the man’s various strange actions. To put it simply, the man was mentally challenged.

“However, he also gains some special abilities because of it,” The young master smiled, “I hope you don’t mind me calling him Rain Man.”

The Loli girl shrugged, “Up to you.”

“In other words… the people from Black Iron Town were frightened after they heard the whale song.” Fatty widened his eyes, “The it they mentioned… is a fish?”

Jiang Cheng shook his head, “No.”

Fatty sighed in relief. He could accept the concept of a nightmare realm filled with ghosts. After all, ghosts were people before they died. They had their ideals and intentions, but a fish…

Jiang Cheng patted Fatty on his shoulder, “Whales are mammals and not fish.”

Fatty, “...”

The climber girl stared at Jiang Cheng. She couldn’t understand how this pretty-looking man could still joke at a time like this. Did he want to die?

Clearly, this whale was not a common whale. As for what it really was, none of them had any idea. However, one thing was certain. This whale must have something to do with the curses.

The night deepened. The night was different from the ones they had experie

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