Chapter 185: Hidden Room
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 185: Hidden Room

With the light from the torches, the eerie staircase felt much better. Of course, the premise was no one was purposely trying to make it creepy. They carefully avoided the crumbled parts. Fatty basically stuck himself to the wall and edged forward like a crab. However, this made things difficult for Jiang Cheng, who planned to do the same thing.

Therefore, he turned around to whisper something in Fatty’s ear. The next second, Fatty immediately jumped away from the wall. He looked at it like it was a monster.

“Stop touching it,” Jiang Cheng whispered, “You might wake up the thing inside the wall with your touch.”

Based on their previous observation, some unknown patterns, like the one on the hidden door, had been carved into the wall of the staircase as well. They should be the work of the same craftsman.

The creepy creature appeared in Fatty’s mind. His throat moved. The Loli girl and the tall man walked at the back. They lowered their torches so they could see the steps clearly.

When Fatty was halfway up the stairs, he stopped to take a breath. He turned back to look. The duo was lagging about ten metres behind. They walked very slowly.

Fatty thought that the two were very brave. If it were him, he wouldn’t dare to stay so far away from the group. Jiang Cheng leaned on the wall. He seemed to be resting too, but his chest rose and fell evenly. There was no sweat on his face.

However, just as the young master also stopped to turn to look at him, Jiang Cheng changed. First, he coughed, then he gasped hungrily for air. His red was so red, like he was about to die.

Fatty, “...”

The young master raised the torch and exposed the mysterious smile on his face. “Brother Hao, it looks like you need more physical training.”

Jiang Cheng gasped as he shook his hands. Fatty almost died from cringe.

In the end, Jiang Cheng cleared his throat ostentatiously. He continued in a weakened voice, “Brother Chen, you have no idea, but I’m different from the rest of you. I was pulled into the nightmare in the middle of work.” H

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