Chapter 175: Confidential
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 175: Confidential (Teaser)

“Some of us on the ship noticed something was wrong because the scale of the supply protection was abnormally high. Even the internal departments of our unit were not allowed to check the supplies.

“However, we were trained to follow the orders without any questions. Therefore, after a simple preparation, our boat departed.

“The thing we didn’t expect was…” The woman suddenly paused, “We reached international seas around early morning. It was the time for the shift change. I just finished my shift on deck. When I passed by the containers on the deck to return to my cabin, I heard sounds from the containers.

“The sounds were not loud, but they were very special.” She remembered, “It sounded like something sharp grinding against the metallic shell.

“I didn’t know what came over me. I was taken over by a sense of curiosity. I slowly moved over. As I neared the containers, my curiosity became more intense. Then, I had the urge to open the container.” At this point, the woman revealed the expression of regret. Even though she quickly cover