Chapter 174: Shipwreck
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 174: Shipwreck (Teaser)

Jiang Cheng followed her gaze and saw the steep cliff she mentioned. The cut surface looked like it had been sliced by an axe.

“Do you mean to leave this place?” Jiang Cheng pulled back his gaze to ask. Be it the woman’s action to scale the cliff or the previous mention of the jungle-trekking, they revealed the group’s intention to leave this place… not the nightmare realm but this area where they spawned.

“Yes.” Someone answered.

Jiang Cheng turned to him, “Why?” He didn’t get it. They had just gotten there and hadn’t even started exploring. However, they were already in a hurry to leave. Did they discover a source of danger or something?

Everyone turned to a woman on the right. Clearly, she was the one who expressed the wish to leave. The woman looked like she was over 50. She wore a string of pearls, and her hair hung about in lazy curls. She looked normal. However, different from her everyday way of dressing, her eyes radiated extreme pressure. She was not someone that was easy to get along with. However, Jiang Cheng, who answered