Chapter 176: Communication
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 176: Communication (Teaser)

“I believe you would have guessed by now that…” The woman sighed, “This was not a shipwreck incident. Or rather, it was not a simple shipwreck incident.

“The man took out the last document to explain the situation.” The woman failed to control her emotions, and her voice shook, “We lost four ships there. One of the ships was our current ship’s sister ship.

“That ship belonged to the same department as we did, and the ship was parked at the same port.

“The incident happened half a month ago. I was sleeping at the time. I was suddenly woken up by the siren asking us to gather. The next morning, the sister ship departed with the sailors on it. However, none of us paid much attention to it. After all, emergency missions were normal for us.

“But eventually, some of us noticed something was wrong. They were… gone for too long.” The woman explained, “However, due to the technological limitation at the time, we rarely ventured too far out into the sea.

“Normally, a ship would have to return to the port for resupply after a week, but they were