Chapter 139: Prints
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 139: Prints

“Since the ghost has left, we need to hurry up.” Zhou Rong looked around. The anxiety in his heart amplified. “We’ll split up. I’ll search the kitchen.”

“I’ll stay here just in case the ghost comes back.” Bei Qian volunteered immediately. Then, they both turned to Jiang Cheng. The only option left was the second floor. Clearly, they wanted him to search the unknown location.

“Exciting!” Jiang Cheng was excited.

Zhou Rong almost shouted from Jiang Cheng’s reaction. Bei Qian had it even worse. Due to his age, he suddenly felt a spot of wetness in his pants. “Then… we’ll have to trouble Mr. Yi.”

After saying that, the pale-faced Zhou Rong left. He headed to the kitchen door. The ghost exited this door earlier. The chopping sound also came from the kitchen. Bei Qian was innately scared of Jiang Cheng. This man… didn’t seem to be mentally sound. To prevent himself from being bogged down by Jiang Cheng, Bei Qian chose to stay away from him.

Jiang Cheng moved to the staircase. He didn’t go upstairs immediately. After some thinking, he suddenly knelt down and placed his ear on the wall next to the stairs.

Due to the line of sight, Bei Qian couldn’t see him anymore and naturally assumed Jiang Cheng had gone upstairs.

There was a thin layer of dust on the floor. Jiang Cheng’s eyes scanned up the stairs. There were conspicuous spots where the dust had been disturbed. He narrowed his eyes and got up the steps silently. He chose a spot with a good vantage point and knelt down. He… discovered a few shoeprints. They looked unclear and messy, like… they were left behind when people were escaping in a panic.

Based on what Bei Qian said earlier, they should have been left behind by Jiang Zhongyi before he died. Jiang Cheng carefully analysed the prints. He soon confirmed that the prints belonged to more than one person. They came from two people. Based on the sizes, they should be two male adults. Jiang Cheng was immediately reminded of Ben Fu, who had gone missing the first night. It was very likely that he had been there a

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