Chapter 129: Trade
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 129: Trade

Regarding Jiang Cheng’s action, Chen Xiaomeng and Zhou Rong did not do or say anything to stop him. In fact, if Jiang Cheng didn’t do that, they had their own methods to make the girl speak. The girl’s home might be old, but based on the dry chilli hanging under the eaves and the vegetables growing in the yard, there were clearly adults in her family.

The girl didn’t expect Jiang Cheng’s attitude to turn so quickly. Her eyes reddened for real this time. Just as she was about to cry, she heard Jiang Cheng say slowly, “If you dare to cry, I’ll have this aunty ruin all the vegetables in your family’s yard.” Hearing that, the girl didn’t dare to cry. For her, this threat was far more effective than beating her up. After all, her family relied on those vegetables to survive. From when she had her memory, her life was accompanied by hunger.

“No.” The girl’s eyes blurred with tears, but she didn’t dare to let them fail. Her small face scrunched up. “Mom… planted those. Please… don’t destroy them.”

Jiang Cheng placed the girl back on the ground. She wanted to run, but she knew that while she could run, the vegetables at her home couldn’t. So, she dropped that idea.

“How about we discuss this?” Jiang Cheng bent down to look into the girl’s eyes. “For each question that you answer, I’ll give you half a steamed bun.”

“Okay.” The girl stared at him and replied timidly.

“Are you and your mother the only members of your family?”

“And grandma.” The girl pressed her lips. “But grandma is very sick. Mom has to go up the mountains to pick herbs for her.”

“Where is your dad?”

The girl looked up at Jiang Cheng. Something swirled in her eyes.

Jiang Cheng took out half the steamed bun from before. He shoved it back into the girl’s pocket. The girl instantly said, “Hong Hong hasn’t seen father before. However, mom said that father has left for the big city. When Hong Hong is older, father will be back and buy many steamed buns for Hong Hong.” The girl’s eyes glowed, but the other’s eyes dimmed. The steamed bun was probably the

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