Chapter 128: Hong Hong
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 128: Hong Hong

Once he said that, even Zhou Rong, who was normally very collected, said awkwardly, “Mr. Yi… is still so humorous.”

Jiang Cheng put his hands on his waist. “I don’t understand it. Why would Village Head Qian hand over such an important and under-table task to an outsider? Isn’t he afraid of betrayal?” His words awakened the minds of many.

Previously, everyone’s focus was on Zhao Xiangmei’s identity. However, Yi Zhiping’s statement made people wonder about the relationship between Village Head Qian and Zhao Xiangmei. The room became silent. Indeed, kidnapping was a serious crime. How could they trust an outsider to conduct this task?

Lee Lu suffered the pain from her ankle and said, “Could it be… that Zhao Xiangmei’s husband was from Little Ravine Village? Then, she could be considered half a local.”

“That’s a possibility.” Zhou Rong considered it. None of them were newbies. They sensed that this mission was more difficult than normal. One day and one night had passed. They had not advanced the plot in a meaningful way, but they lost a teammate. This wouldn’t do…

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes as he looked out the window. “The sun is not fully set yet. I think we should split into two teams. One team will stay here to wait for the food, and the other team will enter the village and take a look around.”

“Won’t that be too dangerous?” Jiang Zhongyi asked timidly. His worry was not unfounded. The village was ultimately in the mountains. The sky might darken suddenly. If they failed to return before nightfall, accidents might happen.

Bei Qian nodded. “Then, we’ll have to trouble Mr. Yi.” He looked at Jiang Cheng with great concern. “You don’t need to worry about this place. I’ll stay back to tussle with the villagers.”

Jiang Cheng tutted as he gave Bei Qian a once-over. This pretentious old man was on the same level as Zhen Jianren. They were equally shameless.

“Elder Bei has to be careful too,” Jiang Cheng responded with concern too.

After that, it was time to decide the team. Lee Lu had a sprained ankle, so s

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