Chapter 127: Yes
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 127: Yes

One could imagine Zhao Xiangmei’s resentment that she even went after the dead bodies. Bei Qian studied the stone plaque for a long time. His eyes lingered on the bloody message. The elder looked very experienced.

“Was Zhao Xiangmei a local of Little Ravine Village?” Bei Qian turned to ask the village head.

“No.” The village head shook his head. “The old Village Chief Qian picked her up from outside. No one knew from where.”

For the travellers, the situation was not optimistic. A traveller had already been killed, but so far, they hadn’t obtained any useful information about the ghost. Other than her name and her gender, they knew nothing about her. The NPCs for this mission were quite… unreliable. They only kept stressing how scary and terrifying the ghost was.

“We…” The village, who came with the news, probed, “Can we leave now?” He was uncomfortable even just standing there. If not for the village head’s order, he wouldn’t even be there that day. The village head glanced at him. He was telling him that he was not the decision-maker but the expert that came from outside. Therefore, the man turned to look at Bei Qian with puppy eyes.

By then, Bei Qian had already copied down the curse on a piece of cloth. He stood up, looked around and said, “Let’s go.”

The man instantly turned and left. The village head and the tanned man hurried to follow. They moved so much faster than when they came. Jiang Cheng walked at the back of the team. When he was about 10 meters away, he suddenly turned back to look. It was an instinct that compelled him to do so. He could sense a resentful gaze staring at him. Venomous, twisted, mad… these were the words Jiang Cheng would describe the feeling he got.

His eyes slowly moved to the pool. Under the black water, there was a pair of crimson eyes. When Jiang Cheng met the eyes, a strange feeling rose in his heart. It was like… something had been bound within him. He quickly averted his gaze. He ran to catch up to Chen Xiaomeng. He patted the girl’s shoulder and pointed at the centre

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