Chapter 126: Disciple
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 126: Disciple

“Help!” Jiang Cheng screamed without hesitation. The silent atmosphere was shattered. Many footsteps came towards him. The tanned man had just left, so he was the first to arrive. His eyes widened as he stared at the couple beside the pool.

Jiang Cheng slowly turned around to meet Chen Xiaomeng’s hatred-filled eyes. By then, she had pulled back her leg, not at all intending to kick Jiang Cheng into the water.

“What’s going on?” The village head and the rest finally arrived. Seeing the two by the pool, they asked in fear. The village head started to regret bringing them there. The place looked eerie. He prayed that nothing bad would happen.

“It’s nothing.” Jiang Cheng replied calmly, “I saw a woman’s face in the water earlier. But I probably got it wrong.”

Jiang Cheng said it with nonchalance, but it affected the village head greatly. He became nervous, and his lips trembled. “A face…”

“Yes. A woman’s face.” Jiang Cheng turned to look at Chen Xiaomeng. Slowly, his face turned into a grimace, like he had just discovered something. Everyone spotted this, and all turned to look at Chen Xiaomeng. Naturally, they couldn’t see what was wrong with her.

While the latter was stumped, Jiang Cheng screamed, “My God! Her face is the exact same as the one in the water earlier!”

The crowd was silent for a few seconds before exploding.

The tanned man and Jiang Zhongyi, who were closest to Chen Xiaomeng, quickly darted back. The village head reacted even faster. He dropped his cane and ran. He felt better when he was beside Bei Qian.

After he calmed down, he took the cane from the tanned man. He held the cane, leaned slightly forward and returned to how he normally was.

“Ki… Master!” The village head’s pupils trembled. He quickly asked, “Are you sure that the face in the pool is similar to this girl’s?”

Chen Xiaomeng scoffed, “If you’re willing to trust this madman, be my guest. Where is the stone plaque with the curse? I want to see it.”

Bei Qian knew the strange relationship between Jiang Cheng and Chen Xiaomeng. He d

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