Chapter 123: Shame
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 123: Shame

Even if he was not clever, he knew something with wrong with Zhou Rong and Yi Zhiping. Even if they were not ghosts, they had been controlled by ghosts. Perhaps… they already died once they stepped into this building.

He quickly turned around to run down the stairs. He suddenly halted. A ball of shadow appeared on the previously-empty staircase. His heart was gripped. Then, a strange thought appeared in his mind. Could the two be pointing at this ball of shadow earlier?

Before he could dwell on it, the dark clouds outside the window parted, and the bright moonlight shone in. Ben Fu got a good look at the thing. It was not a shadow but a person kneeling on the ground.

“Did you see who it was?” Zhou Rong whispered.

Jiang Cheng, Chen Xiaomeng and Jiang Zhongyi squeezed behind the door. They didn’t open the door fully but only looked out through a small gap. Jiang Zhongyi swallowed nervously. He said uncertainly, “It… appears to be Ben Fu.”

Earlier, he was the one staying guard. Compared to Jiang Cheng, who had the previous shift, he was very nervous. He would go to check out the door every few minutes. About ten minutes ago, as he looked outside again, he caught a figure sneaking through the night. Due to the angle, before he could catch a better look, the shadow disappeared from his line of sight. In the panic, he only saw the figure from the back and believed it was Ben Fu.

“What should we do?” Jiang Zhongyi turned to Zhou Rong out of habit. “Should we inform the others?”

Zhou Rong didn’t answer because he was thinking. Zhou Rong was more concerned about how Ben Fu got the guts to leave the house alone at night. The village head even warned them from doing so before he left. Ben Fu might be a bit silly, but he was not stupid. Therefore, there had to be something else.

“Mr. Yi.” Zhou Rong lifted his head to ask Jiang Cheng, “What is your opinion?”

Earlier, Jiang Cheng’s face was unnatural. It was a mixture of conflict, regret and some confusion… None of these escaped Zhou Rong’s eyes. He believed Jiang Ch

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