Chapter 124: Disappearance
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 124: Disappearance

“Village head!” Someone ran in from outside, shouting, “Something happened in town again!”

The village head’s wandering eyes focused. He turned to Bei Qian, who he assumed to be the travellers’ leader. “Experts,” He asked in panic, “Where is the fat friend among you?”

Bei Qian slowly swallowed the bun and answered calmly, “We don’t know. He was gone when we woke up this morning.” The tanned man, who previously had a dull expression, had his face pale with fear like he just remembered something scary.

The village head sighed. He waved at the village who just arrived, “What happened in town?” Clearly, he already knew what had happened. He just wanted to the villager to relay the incident to the travellers.

“A corpse appeared in town again. The body was strung up on the tree. The stomach has been torn open. Internal organs like intestines and heart pour out…” The man’s voice dwindled as fear dominated his eyes.

“Go and figure out if anyone has gone missing in the village,” The village head told the tanned man. Before the man could leave, the other village stopped him. “I’ve done that before coming here.” He looked at the travellers carefully. “No one from the village is missing.” Therefore, the victim was most likely Ben Fu.

The village head’s expression was severe. He hesitated. After all, he was the one who invited the masters over. They had been in the village for less than a day, and one of them had already gotten a horrible death. He didn’t know what to say. The atmosphere froze with awkwardness.

Thankfully, Bei Qian slowly began, “Village Head Liu, you don’t need to blame yourself. We’ve considered the risks before coming here. Plus, Ben Fu left on his own without informing anyone. This is not your fault.”

The village head looked better. “I’m so sorry. It’s our carelessness that causes this to happen to your friend. We… we’ll try to make it up to you?”

Yu Man scoffed, “How do you plan to do that?”

“Double!” The village head raised his head with determination, “We’ll double the payment I’ve promised you

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