Chapter 122: Follow
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 122: Follow

It was very quiet at night. Ben Fu was curled up by the fire inside the house on the eastern side. He was the night watch for this house. He was on the second shift. The first shift was Yu Man. There was no talk of chivalry here. Everyone had to create value for the team. The same old rules applied. Everyone would stay guard for two hours and then wake up the next shift.

He stared at the female-style watch placed before him. His shift was almost done. There were twenty minutes left. It was time for him to wake up the next shift, Bei Qian. Ben Fu slowly stood up and worked out the kinks in his body. He rubbed his calves. He had been seated for so long that they felt a little numb. He yawned and glanced casually to the side. There was a large hole in the window. It allowed a perfect view of the courtyard gate.

However, his casual glance made his heart jump. He saw a familiar face in the dark. Even though it was just a flash, he confirmed that it was Zhou Rong.

Zhou Rong was facing away from him. He was close to the fence beside the gate. His tall body was hunched over as he acted suspiciously. There was another figure beside him. Ben Fu stared at the other person. His pupils shook. It was Yi Zhiping!

What were these two doing in the middle of the night?

He immediately thought back to the things that happened at the inn earlier that day. Zhou Rong and Yi Zhiping went upstairs alone with the excuse of returning the keys, but they stayed more than ten minutes upstairs. At the time, he already thought it was weird. Based on what he was seeing, Ben Fu believed the two had come to some kind of agreement.

Ben Fu might have been cowardly, but he was not dumb. His first thought was that the two had found some clues, or else they wouldn’t risk coming out at night… without telling the others.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, he made a courageous decision. Without alerting the others in the room, he silently removed the wooden club blocking the door and silently moved towards the two.

Zhou Rong and Yi Zhiping w

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