Chapter 120: Compound Courtyard
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 120: Compound Courtyard

“A deep pool, huh…” Bei Qian mumbled to himself. Even though they were from modern times, they knew of the culture of this historical era from movies and dramas. They were not fully shocked.

“She was the main culprit. Even if she died, didn’t the police come to search for her body?” Zhou Rong asked the village head, “Or else who could prove that she really had died?” When Zhou Rong asked that question, his eyes casually wandered over to Jiang Cheng as if anticipating the latter’s response. However, he was disappointed. Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes as he poked the fire. He was as comfortable as a lazy cat.

Zhou Rong pulled back his gaze helplessly. He thought the village head’s description of Zhao Xiangmei would make the latter think of someone… namely, the scary woman who was hidden inside An Ping Inn’s hidden room. A hypothesis appeared in Zhou Rong’s mind. ‘Is it possible that Zhao Xiangmei didn’t die but survived through some miracles and was saved by An Ping Inn’s boss?’

Even though that sounded crazy, Zhou Rong, who had been through five missions, knew that everything was possible in the nightmare realm. The only thing now was to find the evidence or clues to support his hypothesis.

“Zhao Xiangmei is really dead,” The village head sighed. “I can guarantee you that. Because… when they tossed her corpse into the pool, her body was as cold as ice. I touched it, and I was haunted by nightmares for days. She no longer had the body temperature of the living.”

Zhou Rong pressed, “Then… where is her body now?”

“Down at the bottom of Cold Virtue Pond.”

“Did the police not assign people to salvage her body?” It was Ben Fu who spoke. He hugged his knees. He looked like a kid listening to ghost stories.

The village head shook his head. “You are not familiar with the back mountain pool. It’s a very strange place. The water temperature is always cool, no matter the season. Things or people who waded into it would disappear without a trace.” He licked his lips. “The elders in the village said that the pool is connec

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