Chapter 119: Chill Virtue Pond
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 119: Chill Virtue Pond

With the village head’s description, the dark history of Little Ravine Village slowly unravelled. His voice was hoarse as history danced about. Compared to the hearsay provided by An Ping Town’s inn boss, the village head’s story was more detailed. He even included the names of the women and the horrible incidents that befell them.

Even though these happened some time ago, they sounded harsh to the ears. Humans who lived under the sunlight of civility could never imagine the torture these women had been through being trapped in the dark dungeons.

“Therefore…” Lee Li began carefully, “The women who died with hatred came back for revenge.” This was not a question but a statement. The inn boss had confirmed that.

However, the village head shook his head with a scared face. “Not the women.” He shivered, “She is the only one!”

“Who is she?” Chen Xiaomeng leaned forward.

“It… It’s the woman kidnapper who was beaten to death by the parents who had their daughters stolen!”

“Wait…” Jiang Zhongyi frowned deeply. He stared at the village head and asked, “The main culprit the police caught… It was a woman?!”

The village head nodded. His eyes trembled unnaturally, but he continued, “She was the one who tricked all the women into coming to this village. She looked young and could gain those women’s trust very easily.”

“What was her name?”

“Zhao Xiaongmei.”

“Are you telling me the ghost that has been killing everyone is this main culprit from back then, Zhao Xiangmei?” Yu Man widened her eyes.”

The village head sighed, “Yes.”

“But… why her?” Yu Man pressed, “Wouldn’t it make more sense for the ghost to be one of the women who were tricked here?” Every traveller had the same question. Why did the culprit who deserved her ending return as the ghost and not the innocent women who were kidnapped?

The village head naturally saw the question in everyone’s eyes. He explained, “The ghost can’t be one of those women. Even though they had suffered… none of them died.” He sighed, “How can a living person be a ghost?”

Zhou Rong

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