Chapter 115: Petrification
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 115: Petrification

In the morning, when Chen Xiaomeng went to use the bathroom, Jiang Cheng sneaked onto the bed and used the same tactic as the day before. Without surprise, he was caught by Chen Xiaomeng. Since she had the rope on her, she whipped Jiang Cheng with it.

Jiang Cheng wanted to evade, but he failed to do so due to positional issues. His arm was whipped, and it instantly turned red.

“I’m warning you.” Chen Xiaomeng threatened him harshly, “Don’t think about playing any tricks or… I’ll kill you!”

Jiang Cheng immediately became obedient. Then, Chen Xiaomeng left. Based on the direction of the sound of her footsteps, she should have gone downstairs. Yesterday, they decided to meet up on the first floor to wait for the village head to arrive and bring them to Little Ravine Village.

After Chen Xiaomeng left, Jiang Cheng stood up lazily and then went to use the bathroom. In the mirror, the welt on his arm was very conspicuous. His expression turned wicked. He caught a rope from the corner of his eyes. A towel or a washcloth hung from it. He reached out to undo both ends of the rope. Pinching them in his hands, he felt like it was just perfect.

After walking down the rotting wooden stairs, Chen Xiaomeng came to the first floor. A few people sat around the roughly-hewn wooden table. A pot of porridge was placed on it. Her eyes scanned everyone there. She realised that everyone was there except Jiang Cheng and herself. Even the seating arrangement was very detailed. Bei Qian sat to the left. His supporters, Jiang Zhongyi and Yu Man, sat beside him.

Zhou Rong’s party was their direct opposite. Lee Li lowered her head and ate quietly. Ben Fu was there too, but he didn’t look very good. His face was pale, probably because he didn’t have a good sleep.

Chen Xiaomeng hesitated before walking over to ladle herself a bowl of porridge. Then, she took a seat at the adjacent, unoccupied table. She took a tentative sip. The porridge was different from the ones she was used to. It had a lot of rough millet, and some unspecified pebble-

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