Chapter 114: Nightmare
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 114: Nightmare

However, out of habit, she still stared into the latter’s eyes and tried to make herself look as imposing as possible. “If I realise you’re lying to me, you’ll know what will happen!”

“I’m an orphan if I lie to you!” Jiang Cheng raised his right hand to swear. After so long, Chen Xiaomeng was tired. She pointed at Jiang Cheng with the rope and said, “You, get out of the bed.”

“Tsk.” Jiang Cheng looked unwilling but had to surrender to Chen Xiaomeng’s power. He slowly rolled out of the bed.

“Why are you acting like this?” Cheng Xiaomeng felt her rage burning when she looked at him. “I am not doing anything to you!”

Jiang Cheng thought for a few minutes. Then, he looked at Chen Xiaomeng with a mysterious gaze. He shimmied shyly. “Be a little courageous. I’m not as soft as you think.”

Chen Xiaomeng, “...Do you wish to sleep outside the room?”

“I don’t care.” Jiang Cheng gathered his courage and huffed, “There’s only one bed here. Why do you have to keep it and not me? I want to sleep in bed too. My body is very fragile. If I get ill from sleeping on the ground, the ladies who love me will never forgive you. You better consider your decision.”

“I’ve considered this a lot.” Chen Xiaomeng turned and pointed at the door. “I’ll give you two choices. One is to shut up and sleep on the ground. Two, get out of this room now!”

“If you let me sleep in bed, I can reveal some information to you.” Jiang Cheng subtly changed his method. He raised his brows. “About this mission.”

Chen Xiaomeng’s expression shifted. She gave Jiang Cheng a once-over and then nodded, “Sure, but I warn you. Don’t try to lie to me.”

Jiang Cheng bounced over to Chen Xiaomeng. When he was shot a warning glance, he moved back.

“I feel like something is not right with Lee Lu,” He whispered. Chen Xiaomeng glanced at him, clearly wanting him to continue.

“Lee Lu said she was just a normal housewife and had a working-class husband and a three-year-old daughter. She had a personality that matched it.” Jiang Cheng added, “In our discussions, she had n

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