Chapter 113: Impressive Fatty
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 113: Impressive Fatty

The group, “???”

Chen Xiaomeng was stunned for a few seconds when her pupils trembled. “Hao Shuai… I’m going to kill you!” The situation became chaotic. Thankfully, a conclusion had been reached. Tomorrow morning, they would follow the village leader to the mission venue, Little Ravine Village.

Since a decision had been made, while Bei Qian’s group was not satisfied, he still accepted the result. The night was coming. It was time to rest and prepare for the day after. Mountain trekking for a few hours was not something common for people living in the city, especially for people like Ben Fu and Bei Qian. No one could guarantee they would live until tomorrow. Zhou Rong was in a good mood because his suggestion was accepted. He started to plan everyone’s sleeping arrangements. Based on what he said, the boss had provided them with four rooms. Other than one room on the third floor, the three other rooms were on the second floor. Zhou Rong spawned in one of the rooms on the second floor. He spawned in bed and saw the ceiling once he opened his eyes. He was in Room 208.

The adjacent rooms, 207 and 209, were their rooms for the night as well. The wife had already given Zhou Rong the keys. The trouble now was that there were five males and three females. Clearly, one of the rooms would house one female and one male.


Everyone’s gaze involuntarily floated to Jiang Cheng and Chen Xiaomeng. Their relationship was intriguing. According to Jiang Cheng, they were a couple, but the girl insisted that they didn’t know each other. Interestingly enough… it was common for people to hide their relationships in the nightmare realm. It was very rare for people to openly showcase their relationships. This raised suspicions.

When they were asked to share one room, Jiang Cheng shrugged and said he didn’t mind. To everyone’s surprise, Chen Xiaomeng didn’t reject this arrangement. However, she requested that they have the room on the third floor. The others sighed in relief. The room on the third floor was separated from the r

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