Chapter 116: White Candle
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 116: White Candle

Ben Fu couldn’t hold his nosebleed in anymore. He went to block it with his hands, causing his hands to be bloody. It was very chaotic. Moments later, everyone tossed interesting looks at Chen Xiaomeng.

When Chen Xiaomeng reacted, she pulled out the rope in anger. Just as she was about to punish the bastard, a loud gasp came from the crowd. They stared at the rope Chen Xiaomeng was holding as if Jiang Cheng’s statements had been verified.

Ultimately… before the village head arrived, Chen Xiaomeng only took a few sips of the porridge before she lost her appetite. Jiang Cheng finished three bowls and even all the appetizers. In the end, he even purposely asked Chen Xiaomeng if she wanted to eat more porridge. He only stopped when hatred oozed out of the girl’s eyes.

The village head and his people only stayed before the door and didn’t dare to come into the inn due to their unhappy interactions with the boss from the day before. They looked around nervously. When Zhou Rong saw the village head, he stood up and walked towards him.

“Please wait a moment,” Zhou Rong said, “I’ll find the boss to return him the room keys and then we’ll go with you.”

The wrinkles on the boss’ face folded from happiness. “It’s no rush. It’s our village’s good karma that you are willing to come visit us.”

Hearing that, Yu Man, who was sitting cross-legged on the chair, scoffed, “If the village really has good karma, they wouldn’t have fallen into its current state.” Of course, her voice was only loud enough to be heard by those close to her. Lee Li frowned but said nothing.

They waited a while longer, but the boss still hadn’t appeared. They hadn’t seen the boss or his wife since that morning. Zhou Rong woke up the earliest. However, he only opened his room door, stood before it, and waited for the other room doors to open before going down the stairs with the group. The porridge was placed there before any of them arrived. Beside the pot of porridge were eight sets of utensils. They were clearly meant for the travellers.

Jiang Cheng

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