Chapter 290 - Dishonorable Demon Self-Destructs In Defeat
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 290 - Dishonorable Demon Self-Destructs In Defeat (Teaser)

The skeleton carrying Lin Moyu picked up speed, leaving the Abyssal Demons in the dust. Slowed by the curse, the Demons struggled to keep up.

"He’s getting away! Chase after him!"

"We can’t let him escape after killing so many of our kind!"

"Lift the curse! We’re too slow to catch him!"

One of the Demons pulled out a pitch-black stone and activated it, and the stone exploded. Their speed increased, though the curse wasn’t fully lifted. The stone's effect only slightly negated Slow Curse, allowing them to match Lin Moyu’s pace.

Every Demon was poisoned, taking continuous damage equivalent to 4,000 strength points per second. While 4,000 points wasn't significant initially, the sustained damage would become unbearable over time.

"Is this guy even human? He’s using poison elemental skills too!"

“I’ve fought plenty of humans, but I’ve never seen one using both curses and poison elemental skills!”

“This guy’s more ruthless than we are!”

“If we keep this up, we’ll be dragged to our doom.”

“I know, but we can’t catch up!”

One Demon, gritting